Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendour and majesty. Psalm 104:1
Showing posts with label Testimonials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testimonials. Show all posts


My personal spiritual revival experience testimony.

I’ve known God for the last 20 years. I remember that, before then, I felt something was missing; I was empty inside. Reading the Bible filled the empty space precisely as I needed it to. I have to admit that, for most of the time, I didn’t know how to hear God’s voice. It was just a few months ago (as of February 2017) that I found out I can talk to Him any time I want. I’ll describe some of my personal experiences in the hope that it might help other people to hear God’s voice and to know Him more intimately. I keep a daily journal, so I have extracted the following talks and visions from it and will update it as I walk with God.

I was baptised in the Holy Spirit in my mid-20s. I started speaking in tongues, not even knowing what this was. Then I joined a Christian group and became more active in my local church. Both reading the Bible and praying became my routine for at least a few minutes pretty much every day as my faith and understanding of who God is developed.

There were ups and downs – probably more downs, as I was going through some personal life challenges related to marriage breakdown – but I never lost my faith. It has been just over a year since I started going to HTB church in London, and I knew God brought me there to grow my spiritual fellowship with Him. At that time, I used to spend around 20 minutes in the morning and also in the evening with God, praying and reading the Bible, but the reading was very often without depth and understanding, just like reading a text.

I joined Connect Groups and GIM (Growing in Ministry) along the Sunday services. I knew I had to go deeper to get to know God better. I had my first supernatural experience when my body was healed. It happened when I went to the Healing Conference with Chuck Parry in March 2016. I had felt gradually increasing pain in my hip, which was causing me serious problems with walking. A short prayer removed the pain immediately. That was an extraordinary experience. I signed up and became a member of the HTB Healing Ministry, where I saw that God is healing people regularly. I realised that God does not only heal me (I also experienced another healing, this time of my knee), but also uses me to heal others. I want people to be completely healed.

I had my first spiritual vision at the Healing Conference, where God showed me what the fullness of His presence and His love for me means.
The fullness of God’s Presence: felt a hand touching my hand and I felt the overwhelming Presence as it would be all that I should desire. All my human current needs and desires almost disappeared.
How big God’s love is for me; felt like power with no limits, showing it higher than any other love I can experience on Earth, more intensive and totally unchanging, stable. Saying that if I were the only person on Earth to die for, Jesus would come in a human body, suffer and die to save me.

I could see it, and I could feel it. It was literally overwhelming. A few months later, I realised that I can prophesize (activated during the Connect Group Leadership meeting), and God gave me a vision containing a message for every person I prayed for. It actually works even for people I’ve never met, as I tried it for UK prime minister and USA presidents.

I went to Salvo (GIM) later in 2016, which I believe, removed significant blocks between God and myself. I also met a couple of people whose anointing sped up the process of my spiritual journey. One of the HTB pastors prayed for my anointing during regular service, and I felt the heat so intensely I could not stand having his hand on my shoulder. I was also in the presence of very anointed people, especially in the Furnace Community and Tuesday morning prayer at HTB as well as the above-mentioned Growing in Ministry and Healing Ministry. Another overwhelming experience was to feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit during prayer for the Holy Spirit prayed by Graham Tomlin at one of the School of Theology sessions at St. Mellitus College.

Later in 2016, God was speaking to me about Mozambique. I’ve never been to Africa, or anywhere except Europe and the USA, as I’ve always been worried about catching an illness that my body is not used to fighting off. I asked: “Why are you sending me to Mozambique?” In reply, I believe I heard several names: Heidi, and a couple of others, which I’m not sure I’ve got right because I really didn’t want to go anywhere outside of Europe. Then, He told me about the training. I Googled it and found IRIS, as it was the only match to the words I had heard.

I asked God again why he was sending me there. The answer was: To know what it is giving myself for others and serving people. I applied, and I have been graciously accepted into the Harvest school at Iris Ministries which is run by Rolland and Heidi Baker. I asked who would cover it financially, as I didn’t have the funds needed. He said that I focus too much on money as a source of fixing all problems. It’s not money but God who is behind money and the transferring of all resources as needed. The Harvest School offered me a scholarship that would cover the cost of room, board and tuition for the duration of my stay in Pemba. As I was a bit hesitant because of traveling to Africa, I  didn't act.
It looks God took me to another route to get me where He wants me to be. I have now a new job, which is all about giving and serving others, but I don't want to miss or delay God's plans any more.

Some other visions I had:
I asked God to take me to the spiritual realm. First, I saw an image of Jesus on a cloud as I used to talk to God before, but I wanted to go to the throne of God. I found myself in the flow, a stream of something like light particles going through my body, which felt like it cleansed every cell in my body. I arrived in front of a door. Jesus opened it and welcomed me.
It took me some time to look around to try to see if I could see anything. After a few hours of trying – in and out of the vision – I got to see the throne of glory with Jesus sitting on it. And I saw multitudes of angels singing “Holy Jesus!”
Then, He called me to come closer. After a short hesitation, I came to him. He asked me to stand next to Him. I was very shy, trying to hide behind the throne, but He called me to stand next to Him. I could see angels all around the throne facing Jesus, singing and looking at Him. When He looked at me, so did everyone else. I was overwhelmed and started doubting myself. Probably an angel of boldness came to me, but I somehow closed myself and begun disappearing from the scene. Realising that it was my faith that was failing, I took courage and built up my faith. I reappeared in the scene where I was before. It had been a bit too much for me, so I asked Jesus if I could leave. I felt sorry that I didn’t have stronger faith and more boldness. I felt I shouldn’t go back unless my faith and boldness improved.

Since November, I meditated, read the word and spent time with Jesus for many hours a day. I was a bit worried because I wasn’t dedicating my time to the business I was working on, so I asked Jesus, “What do you think about it?”
Jesus replied, “Lubos, trust me: build your faith. You relied on yourself too much for too long. Learn from me. I’m meek in my heart and submitted to the will of my Father. Be like me. I love you, but you need to trust me if you want to walk with me. I’ve called you to accomplish a lot, so don’t stumble on insignificant hesitation and doubt distracting your heart. I need you to trust me fully.”
Giving up the time spent working on my business wasn’t just about the business, but about a few of the attitudes inside me that had been uncovered and needed to be addressed – e.g. my reliance on money rather than trusting in God and His provision, and my reliance on respect from others more than showing respect towards God.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mat 6:33

I realised I had doubt in my heart; I felt that I had something like 55% trust in God, as I used to rely on myself for most of my life – but I know I can’t live like that now.

I realised more profoundly that faith can actually change things here on Earth and make them as they are in Heaven. Faith can help to create and re-create. It’s like faith keeps everything together and, if there is no faith, things fall apart.

I believe God is giving people great gifts of faith and boldness in order for them to reign over cities and bring His greatness to Earth so that every knee should bend to Him.

I met Jesus in another vision and discussed who I am and what He wants from me. Jesus said that I have many great gifts because I’m worthy of them. I asked what the most valued one was. Jesus said it was the ability to discern people’s hearts. So, I should work more with people to serve them and to develop these gifts, not so much on computers as I do in my professional capacity. I understand that God is saying it’s important that I should find my place within the Body.

In another vision, God showed me a movement starting in London that spread throughout the UK and all of Europe. God told me He was giving me London to fight for and to intercede. It looked like some of the London strongholds (especially financial) were going to be much weaker, and this might start the movement.

Jesus asked me if I wanted to be part of it. Since it wasn’t very clear what he meant by ‘part of it’, I asked if He could say a bit more or confirm it through one of His prophets. After a few days, God led me to a church established by prophetess Sharon Stone, and when I mentioned my vision, someone played a recording where I heard a prophet confirming the vision I had experienced before. Spiritual revival is about to start in the UK and then continue across Europe. For me, this was very encouraging, as I realised God speaks to me as He does to other prophets.

The below is the calling I received from God. I also heard words to be `the most non-denominational I can be`, so I believe God is calling me to a full-time ministry.

Bringing Heaven to Earth starting in London, then in the UK and Europe.

The particular calling of mine is to help to achieve the Church with the fullness of God's presence, the unity of the faith and personal holiness of its members.

It looks like God is equipping me with all the necessary gifts to carry out the vision. Currently, I feel especially being called and have a gift as an intercessor, receiving prophetic visions and discerning hearts of people. I’m renewing my faith and commitment to God very intensively.

In another vision, I sacrificed my body on the cross and felt the real pain of it spiritually – every nail through my hands and legs. It helped me to get rid of my self’s desires, worries and fears so I could focus fully on the Holy Spirit. I’m giving my body to God as a living sacrifice – putting it on the altar – so it’s Him who decides what I’ll do. He is taking full control. I sense that the Holy Spirit is growing in my heart, like a real person.

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20

I have realised I’ve got into the flow of the will of God. I don’t want to slide back. I know God won’t let me get out of the flow if I want to stay. I have to press on and carry on as before to get even deeper into the flow!

I wish I have the Spirit resting on me as in the Acts where Jesus said to His disciples to wait to receive power from above before they leave Jerusalem.

By the end of January 2017, I had managed to submit 90% of myself to Jesus. I still have 10% to go, which seems to be quite a fight, maybe the most difficult one. I go back in time and repent things I’ve done or haven’t done according to the will of God. It’s like a fire that is cleansing me. It is very intense. It’s like when the Israelites were crossing the sea and deciding whether to cross or be killed by the Egyptians. I could see myself separating the sea and going through.

The 30th of January 2017 was a very special day, as God led me to CTF in Wembley where the senior pastor, led by the Holy Spirit, talked about how to live in the flow and fully submit to Jesus. It was a very powerful message, but even more powerful was the presence of the Holy Spirit. I can now celebrate my 100% submission to the Holy Spirit, which I haven’t done ever before. Halleluiah!

I’m starting from scratch. I have decided not to do anything except what Jesus wants me to do when he wants me to do it. Christians should be fully committed to God. I’m fasting to refocus, but I haven’t been really fasting in the past, and it seems to be a challenge for me. I know I can trust God. I’m feeling it like never before, and He is proving Himself to me as a provider. This further increases my faith.

One thing is for sure. If someone wants to progress spiritually, all that it takes is faith. And without it, nothing will change. I also sense that God wants me to progress even faster. It’s like living the extremity in my life should be the norm and would become God's opportunity to act through me. It’s something I have to grow into. I trust He will equip me for anything He calls me to do.

A few previous days were to establish the true I learned previously. And, to really give up everything I was attached to. God, I’m all yours!

It’s fascinating to see what God’s plans are for me. I know I need to have everything under control in my life as I should depend on God in everything I do. I have to give everything to Him. He may give it back to me, but I do need to give it up first. I must be released from myself to become the channel of the Holy Ghost. I have to crucify my love of money, my own life expectations and personal ambition together with my desire of living in comfort. God made me a new creation and is giving me a lot of freedom and power, and it needs to be exercised to grow.

I hear Jesus saying: “Take up your cross and follow me.”

I’m willing to die to follow Jesus.

I asked God how I can be more aware of His presence.

He said: “Lubos, you can hear my voice, you can talk to me, you can see me in visions. How much more do you want to be aware of me?” I said: “To see you with my natural eyes.” He said: “This is not something you would really want, as it might be quite distractive. You have faith strong enough not to need it. People tend to take it and many other gifts in the wrong way as something they can do. It doesn’t build our relationship. Just stay in my presence.”

I want to represent God here on Earth as much as I can with authority He has given to me. I’m so happy to follow Him. It’s literally an adventure. The best I can think of.

Join the `Prayer for Personal Revival` prayer group to pray together, share our testimonies and support each other.

Follow me to read more of my walking with God testimonies .

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The mission is to promote personal spiritual transformation through inspiration and empowerment and to introduce people who surrendered to the Lord and their spiritual journey.

It will facilitate the opportunity to evangelise through people hearing the good news of Christ – direct from those who have come to faith (Rev 12:11). The personal faith stories are simple and direct means of declaring God’s grace and transformative work in one’s life.